Saturday, September 4, 2010

Create Account Blog

About Blog
Blog is short for web blog (weblog), a website that contains writings that can be added regularly by their owners. To create a blog you just need to register as a member on a blog hosting service provider and then you can do Blogging  that is pouring out your creative ideas in the form of papers or articles into your blog.

Create a Blog at Blogspot
I chose to set up a Blogspot blog is not without reason, with a blogspot blog creation is very easy and instantly making it suitable for beginners. These steps create a blog as follows:

1. Please visit the Blogspot site

Create a Blog

2. Login with your gmail or Click the Create a Blog, then you only fill the form as below and the last just click the Continue button

Sign up for Blogger

3. After the verification process is complete, now you are in the yard the second stage, namely Give Your Blog Name.  Type the title of the blog URL address to your blog (you must click on Check Availability to ensure that there is a URL address), and fill in the word verification field, afterwards click the Continue button.

Name Your Blog

4. On the next page you can choose to display your blog's template. Choose the template you want (you can replace this template whenever you want through the next setting), then click the Continue button again.

Choose a Starter Template

5. There will be writing "Your Blog It's So!". Please continue with the click of a button start blogging.

Your Blog has been Created
6. You are now in the post editor page, you can start your blogging activity by writing down anything you want. For the moment ignore the past and please click the link View Blog to see your existing blog.

Post Editor

7. Congratulations! Now you've got a blog.

New Blog

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